
I am researching how to best represent an Oracle Tree Hierarchy as an Oracle Report within Oracle APEX - something like a tree grid. As the data I am trying to display maybe up to 10 levels deep, instead of using a tree, I was thinking whether it could be performed as a report.

I still need to use the START WITH and CONNECT BY PRIOR or perhaps some other means can be used.

I have noticed that when trying to create a simple tree hierarchy report using LPAD to indent nodes with spaces, Oracle APEX strips all the spaces.

Do you mean a classic report? Or some other reporting tool?Tom
Hi Tom - want to keep it as part of Oracle APEX, so either a Classic or Interactive report (either one). Thanks.tonyf
Don't mean to just plug, but I remember from previous questions you had some issues with tree performance. A while ago I've been busy with getting an ajax tree working in apex and made a blogpost about it (+demo/example). You might take a look at it and see if it might help you.Tom
Hi Tom - working through your example from your blog now, but using jsTree 0.9 version. I can't seem to figure out why the small triangular (expand/collapse) images are not appearing for me. I am at root level alone but cannot click on anything to expand the tree - any ideas where I am missing this CSS/images? Thanks.tonyf
The tree should use the default theming (if following my sample code), and it is jstree itself which appends a css file depending on the configured theme. Are you using the same javascript include as I described? jstree will look for the css/images in that root directory, and if using the same as apex would then it will get those files from the (apex) images directory.Tom

1 Answers


Instead of lpad-ing with ' ' try using ' ' to preserve a space in the html output.