
I am setting all the new launch images needed in the new Xcode, but I'm having a very strange problem... when I put the Portrait Non-Retina (768x1024) image there are no problems... but then when I go to put the Portrait Retina (1536x2048) image, this last one appears with no problems but the Non-Retina one disappears and it appears an error saying: no image with correct dimensions found.... and the same thing happens also for the two landscape images... I'm adding 2 images so you better understand the problem....

Here I have the 2 Non-Retina setted

enter image description here

and when I set the 2 Retina the Non-Retina disappears...

enter image description here

anyone is facing the same problem? is there a solution to that? Thanks for any help. Massy

In iOS6 and lower you should not include the space for the status bar in your launchimage.rckoenes
I followed the measures on Xcode... do you mean that Portrait Non-Retina shouldn't be 768x1024 as stated in Xcode?Blue
When using assets library you will even be warned by about the non retina onerckoenes

3 Answers


I struggled with this also, but I've found this is solved when you have a non-retina image named image.png and its retina counterpart is named [email protected]. So to fix yours you'll need to name the first "Default-Portrait-1024~ipad" and the second "Default-Portrait-1024@2x~ipad". The part preceding the "@2x~ipad" needs to be the same for it to recognize them both. It's dumb and can make the naming confusing, but that's how it works for now. I'm not sure if this functionality is intentional, since it doesn't seem to work this way for any of the icon images...

Hope this helps!


I am attaching what Xcode 5 adds to the plist to remove my warnings.



maybe "YourApp-info.plist" file has problem. check it. i have same problem and i found problem in "YourApp-info.plist" file. in my problem that file deleted before and new location of file was incorrect.