i have 2 datagrid that i have problem with. the height goes completly nuts as soon as data is filled into them.
i got the following sample format :
<Grid HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch">
<RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
<RowDefinition Height="*" />
<!-- some control on row 0 -->
<Grid Grid.Row="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Margin="0,2,0,0">
<RowDefinition Height="0.66*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="0.33*" />
<DataGrid Name="grdSeacrhData" Grid.Row="0" />
<DataGrid Name="grdSelectData" Grid.Row="1" />
so the main grid rows size is because first row have bunch of control with unknown height yet and is the most important part.
Second row goal is to show 2 datagrid first slightly bigger to show result from above and second one smaller for refined result of one or many selection from the first one.
if i do not touch anything and open the form it works beautifully. but as soon as the first datagrid "grdSeacrhData" gets data displayed inside in the order of 200-300 records the height is stretched outside the window size.
i tried vertical alignment and vertical content alignment, setting vertical scroll to visible, auto and also tried putting into to stack panel, dock panel, canvas, scrollviewer ...
I am out of idea. all i know is if i set the height or max height of the datagrid then it works. is there a way to prevent datagrid items to stretch the datagrid height if not set ?
Edit #1 :
Ok i have tried something else with WPF just to see result and it also fail to work. here some detail :
I made 1 grid with 3 rows first row height or 100 second row height of auto third row height of 100
i've put a datagrid in the middle row and it works perfectly. now as soon as i add data in it goes off screen.
without data in the datagrid i stretch the window and it's perfect the top row stay at 100 the bottom too and the middle just adjust itself.
Now here what i've tried in Winforms
Put a datagrid anchored top botton left and right. top value = 100 and bottom value = form.height - 100
now strech the form it works perfectly. i added same xml data and the format stayed
So what i am tying to do is not just some "magical unicorn idea's" it's actually possible very easily in winforms apparently but i do NOT want to use winforms i want to stay with WPF. how then can replicate that ?
for the kick i just tested ASP.Net datagrid and it behave like winform test so definitively it's possible.