
I got this really weird error. I ran a sum over all elements in a matrix using thrust reduce. It ran well for most data, but it went wrong on one set.


  lbfgsfloatval_t sum(const DeviceVector& A){
    thrust::device_ptr<lbfgsfloatval_t> ptr(A.getPtr());
    thrust::device_vector<double> A_p(ptr, ptr + A.rows()*A.cols());
    lbfgsfloatval_t sums = 0.0;

    // reduce on host
    for(int i = 0; i < A.rows()*A.cols();i++)
        sums += A_p[i];
    // reduce on device
    lbfgsfloatval_t res = thrust::reduce(A_p.begin(), A_p.end());
    cout << "cpu: " << sums << endl; 
    cout << "gpu: " << res  << endl;  
    return res;

Notice the second group went wrong.


cpu: -568.691
gpu: -568.691

cpu: 3.4972e-14
gpu: 1.40998e-14

cpu: 0.234375
gpu: 0.234375

I also tried not building thrust::device_vector, but use a raw pointer instead. Same output. I also tried cublas dot product. Same output.

I used matlab to confirm the cpu result above is correct.

What happened? Was it an underflow on GPU? Thanks!

Just how wrong is the result? What is the maximum absolute value of an element in the second array? Maybe it's just caused by a different order of summation?fjarri
The cpu result 3.4972e-14 is correct as confirmed by matlab. The memory lay out in gpu and cpu are the same: all in column format, unrolled as a long vector. So both sums are along columns.user2684645
The order is random. Depending on the magnitudes of the values in your array this may or may not matter. E.g. 1e40 - 1e40 + 1 != 1e40 + 1 - 1e40.fjarri
@user2684645 Sorry, I misunderstood the question. You are making reduction, while I was using FMAD's, so I mixed up things. Of course, disabling FMAD has no effect since there is no FMAD in your code. Have a look at the 2nd answer of Precision in Sum reduction kernel with floats. It quotes the paper A Comparison Of Methods For Accurate Summation which points out how "the summation of large sets of numbers is prone to serious rounding errors".Vitality
What GPU architecture (compute capability) are you compiling for and running on?Robert Crovella

1 Answers


I can only speculate on what could go wrong, but I would assume that is an underflow (or specifically, the difference in how CPUs and GPUs handle IEEE-754 denormalized numbers)


Basically, CPUs handle them according to IEEE-754 standard, albeit very inefficiently.

GPUs, on the other hand, generally equate them to 0. I do not know if there is a CUDA way to force CPUs to also flush denormalized numbers for development purposes (I mostly do OpenCL), but the C/C++ way is usually


Or, in gcc, compile with -ffast-math.

Check this SO question: Why does changing 0.1f to 0 slow down performance by 10x?