For webviews, where the first subview is a scrollview, in the latest SDK, if an HTML page is longer than the frame, no scroll bar is shown, and if the html content happens to line up with the frame, or you have a whitespace at the bottom of the frame, it 'looks' like there is no scroll needed and nothing below the line. In this case, I think you should definately flash the scroll bars in the delegate's
- (void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView;
method to alert the user that there is more stuff 'outside the box'.
NSArray *subViews = [[NSArray alloc] initWithArray:[webView subviews]] ;
UIScrollView *webScroller = (UIScrollView *)[subViews objectAtIndex:0] ;
With HTML, the horizontal content is wrapped automatically, so check the webscroller height.
if (webScroller.contentSize.height > webView.frame.size.height) {
[webScroller flashScrollIndicators];
The flash is so short, and happens while over views are loading, that it can be overlooked. To work around that, you could also jiggle or bounce or scroll or scale the content a little via the generic UIView commitAnimations