So I had this problem and I was able to solve it by simply implementing a single delegate function. The background of my status bar is black, and so UIStatusBarStyle for my application is .LightContent. When I presented the UIImagePickerController to select a photo from the device storage, the status bar was fine. However, upon clicking into a directory such as "Camera Roll" or "Favorites," effectively pushing onto the navigation stack, the status bar disappeared. Upon selecting a photo, there was no status bar at all; upon dismissing another modal view controller, only the battery was present, indicating the rest of the status bar may be black as well.
I tried some of the other solutions such as extending UIImagePickerController, but in Swift, you cannot override using extensions. I then tried to subclass UIImagePickerController and tried to hide its status bar on viewWillAppear() and unhiding the status bar on viewWillDisappear. I was able to see the status bar hide with a .Slide animation, but since the status bar was invisible upon selecting a directory, I was not able to see the status bar unhide. Again, the green battery came back with the rest of the status bar invisible upon dismissing a modal view controller. I also tried overriding prefersStatusBarHidden(), but that function was never called, so I tried calling setNeedsStatusBarAppearanceUpdate() to ensure that prefersStatusBarHidden() is called by the system, but it still is not called. Also, there is the suggestion to set the status bar to be hidden on the delegate method navigationController willShowViewController. Once again, all this does is hide the status bar, which does not solve the problem. As it turns out, it seems that the status bar style is changed upon pushing onto the navigation stack of the UIImagePickerController. To solve the problem entirely, I did not have to write extensions or subclass UIImagePickerController. All you need to do is set the delegate and set the status bar style to remain the same. This addition made it as if the problem never existed.
let pickerController = UIImagePickerController()
pickerController.delegate = self
func navigationController(navigationController: UINavigationController, willShowViewController viewController: UIViewController, animated: Bool) {
UIApplication.sharedApplication().setStatusBarStyle(.LightContent, animated: false)