I upgraded a Visual Studio solution containing Crystal Report files. Since the upgrade, the reports are displaying cross hatches (also called number signs: #####) when fields are too narrow to display their values. It was not doing that before. Is there any easy solution?
I have 9 reports, and although I tested them all, and fixed the width of the fields that appeared to be too narrow, when I use different data sets, I always find new cases where the field is too narrow to display the value.
What I have found out is that most of the time, only a few pixels are missing. On the old reports, I can even see that some numbers are cut a bit on the edge, but it does not prevent to read the values. The new version of Crystal Reports replaces those values by #####.
I guess I have two solutions: Enlarge all the fields by a few pixels or reduce the font size. I am not sure though if there is a way to do this globally, or if I have to do this by hand for every field.
Is there an easy way to tell Crytsal Reports, in such field, I want to be able to display let's say 5 digits using Courrier New 10 points?
I using Visual Studio 2012, .Net 4.5 and SAP Crystal Reports, developer version for Microsoft Visual Studio SP5. The old reports were from the time when Crystal Reports was embedded in VS.
next to either size or font. – EvilBob22