So i have a lexer with a token defined so that on a boolean property it is enabled/disabled
I create an input stream and parse a text. My token is called PHRASE_TEXT
and should match anything falling within this pattern '"' ('\\' ~[] |~('\"'|'\\')) '"' {phraseEnabled}?
I tokenize "foo bar"
and as expected I get a single token. After setting the property to false
on the lexer and calling setInputStream
on it with the same text I get "foo , bar"
so 2 tokens instead of one. This is also expected behavior.
The problem comes when setting the property to true
again. I would expect the same text to tokenize to the whole 1 token "foo bar"
but instead is tokenized to the 2 tokens from before. Is this a bug on my part? What am I doing wrong here? I tried using new instances of the tokenizer and reusing the same instance but it doesn't seem to work either way. Thanks in advance.
Edit : Part of my grammar follows below
grammar LuceneQueryParser;
@lexer::members {
public boolean phrases = true;
@parser::members {
public boolean phraseQueries = true;
mainQ : LPAREN query RPAREN
| query
query : not ((AND|OR)? not)* ;
andClause : AND ;
orClause : OR ;
not : NOT? modifier? clause;
clause : qualified
| unqualified
unqualified : LBRACK range_in LBRACK
| LCURL range_out RCURL
| truncated
| {phraseQueries}? quoted
| normal
qualified : TERM_TEXT COLON unqualified ;
normal : TERM_TEXT;
quoted : PHRASE_TEXT;
modifier : PLUS
PHRASE_TEXT : '"' (ESCAPE|~('\"'|'\\'))+ '"' {phrases}?;
TERM_CHAR : ~(' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' | '\u3000'
| '\\' | '\'' | '(' | ')' | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}'
| '+' | '-' | '!' | ':' | '~' | '^'
| '*' | '|' | '&' | '?' );
ESCAPE : '\\' ~[];
The problem seems to be that after i set the phrases to false, and then to true again, no more tokens seem to be recognized as PHRASE_TEXT. I know that as a guideline i should define my grammars to be unambiguous but this is basically the way it has to end up looking : tokenizing a string with quotes in 2 different modes, depending on the situation.