I'm trying to run code in parallel, but I'm confused with private/shared, etc. stuff related to openmp. I'm using c++ (msvc12 or gcc) and openmp.
The code iterates over the loop which consists of a block that should be run in parallel followed by a block that should be run when all the parallel stuff is done. It doesn't matter in which order the parallel stuff is processed. The code looks like this:
// some X, M, N, Y, Z are some constant values
const int processes = 4;
std::vector<double> vct(X);
std::vector<std::vector<double> > stackVct(processes, std::vector<double>(Y));
std::vector<std::vector<std::string> > files(processes, M)
for(int i=0; i < N; ++i)
// parallel stuff
for(int process = 0; process < processes; ++process)
std::vector<double> &otherVct = stackVct[process];
const std::vector<std::string> &my_files = files[process];
for(int file = 0; file < my_files.size(); ++file)
// vct is read-only here, the value is not modified
doSomeOtherStuff(otherVct, vct);
// my_files[file] is read-only
std::vector<double> thirdVct(Y);
doSomeOtherStuff(my_files[file], thirdVct(Y));
// thirdVct and vct are read-only
doSomeOtherStuff2(thirdVct, otherVct, vct);
// when all the parallel stuff is done, do this job
// single thread stuff
// stackVct is read-only, vct is modified
doSingleTheadStuff(vct, stackVct)
If it is better for performance, "doSingleThreadSuff(...)" can be moved into the parallel loop, but it needs to be processed by a single thread. The order of functions in the most inner loop cannot be changed.
How should I declare #pragma omp stuff to make it working? Thanks!