I am trying to update a table using the following query
update at_product A join
SELECT atbillfields.billeditemguid,count(*) AS numberOfPeopleBought
,sum(atbillfields.billeditemqty) AS soldquantity
FROM jtbillingtest.at_salesbill atsalesbill
JOIN jtbillingtest.at_billfields atbillfields
ON atsalesbill.billbatchguid=atbillfields.billbatchguid
WHERE atsalesbill.billcreationdate BETWEEN '2013-09-09' AND date_add('2013-09-09', INTERVAL 1 DAY)
GROUP BY atbillfields.billeditemguid) B ON B.billeditemguid = A.productguid
SET A.productQuantity = A.productQuantity - B.soldquantity
But, getting the following exception:
Error Code: 1175. You are using safe update mode and you tried to update a table without a WHERE that uses a KEY column To disable safe mode, toggle the option in Preferences -> SQL Queries and reconnect.
When I gave a where
clause with the update like A.productQuantity = 1
, it updated that particular.
Can someone point why I am unable to execute the query and how to solve the issue?