
Using an iPhone 4 running ios6.1, and xcode 4.6.3, with valid provisioning profiles, the app will not launch. The status bar just says it finished. I have tried: It works in the simulator fine. The app is a Utility Application. Rebooting (Everything) Product -> Clean Create new project, and move the code there.

The things is, I created a new project and just slapped a button on it, and it worked fine.

Found something new: I created a blank Utility Application and tried to run that on the phone, it did the same thing. Then I created a new blank application and tried to run it on the phone, it worked


4 Answers


If you are seeing and empty black screen in the simulator than you should check your rootViewController.

Possibly you are using a navigation controller and the rootViewController is not set. So the app is not aware that it should go to a specific view controller that you want to.


Do you have other device without JB? I've told sometimes JB can do unpredictable things to you device, not launching app seems like it.


Awful number of times this happens with my Xcode4.6 and I resolved most of the times with below few checks.

  • Do a quick check if your not compiling any static library by mistake.
  • Reset and relaunch the simulator/Power off your device & restart.
  • Still if this continues - Quit and relaunch the Xcode.

Happens most of the times if you already have an app on the device/simulator installed with the same app id (bundle id)