can anyone please help me on this .
I am trying to generate xslt reports using ANT and testng.
I amd using eclipse and have created the project successfully and all the test cases which is running successfully using testNG and reports are also generating.
Now I want to generate reports using ANT , for this I have configures ANT in my system successfully and all other thing (build.xml) are also running fine, TILL , I type "ant makexsltreports" in command prompt on this point it is throwing the below error in command prompt :-
BUILD FAILED D:\Projects\Projectname\Selenium\Workspace\build.xml:111: Fatal error during trans formation using D:\Projects\Projectname\Selenium\Workspace\src\testing\xslt\testng -results.xsl: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; systemId: file:/D:/Projects/Plumsli ce/Selenium/Workspace/src/testing/xslt/testng-results.xsl; lineNumber: 27; colum nNumber: 72; Attribute name "data-pjax-transient" associated with an element typ e "meta" must be followed by the ' = ' character.
now , this is the 111 line in build.xml file : - out="${ws.home}/XSLT_Reports/output/index.html" classpathref="test.c" processor="SaxonLiaison">
below is the build.xml file : -
<target name="makexsltreports">
<mkdir dir="${ws.home}/XSLT_Reports/output"/>
<xslt in="${ng.result}/testng-results.xml" style="src/com/testing/xslt/testng-results.xsl"
out="${ws.home}/XSLT_Reports/output/index.html" classpathref="test.c" processor="SaxonLiaison">
<param name="testNgXslt.outputDir" expression="${ws.home}/XSLT_Reports/output/"/>
<param name="testNgXslt.showRuntimeTotals" expression="true"/>
And this is