
I'm integrating Google Wallet payments in our website. I have created a merchant and a buyer account and I am testing in different browsers. Practically I did everything as described in the google wallet tutorial but the test cards I'm using won't work.

I tried the test cards from this list and from this list but when I add a new payment method to my buyer account it says "Unsupported payment method". But when I test the payment process from the google wallet tutorial, those same payment methods are available.

For my backend I'm using java and the JWT generation code is the one from the google wallet tutorial. I replaced the ISSUER and SIGNING_KEY with my merchant account's Seller Identifier and Seller Secret. But when I run the code from our website, the payment methods are unavailable.


1 Answers


Well, that was interesting. Tried it myself and while I can't add a new test card to my sandbox buyer account directly, using the IAP demo allowed me to do so. In the tutorial, just select "Add a new payment method" to get any of the test cards to your sandbox buyer account.

It wasn't clear in your post but if you notice, I've highlighted sandbox buyer account in bold font. You have to use a different sandbox account to test. You can't use the same sandbox account you use as merchant. In other words, use a completely different email address for your sandbox buyer account.

This SO post has more detail.

If this isn't the issue, pls include any error message(s)...
