The topojson package has been deprecated. The following steps are based on the command-line cartography workflow. These interfaces are more flexible, but a little bit more complicated to use.
Install dependencies:
npm install d3-dsv ndjson-cli
Add the node_modules/.bin directory to the path so that you can easily run the commands:
PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
Convert the tsv file into a newline-delimited json file:
tsv2json data.tsv -n > data.ndjson
Parse the id column as a number:
ndjson-map '{id:, code: d.code, name:}' < data.ndjson > data_parsed.ndjson
Extract the geometries of the topojson file:
ndjson-cat topojson.json | ndjson-split 'd.objects.states.geometries' > topojson_geometries.ndjson
Join both newline-delimited json files:
ndjson-join '' 'd.code' topojson_geometries.ndjson data_parsed.ndjson > geometries_data_join.ndjson
Add the name column to the topojson properties and only keep the topojson geometries:
ndjson-map 'd[0] = d[1].name, d[0]' < geometries_data_join.ndjson > geometries_data_merge.ndjson
Convert the previous result into an array and concat it with the original topojson file:
ndjson-join <(ndjson-cat topojson.json) <(ndjson-reduce < geometries_data_merge.ndjson) > topojson_concat.ndjson
"type": "Topology",
"transform": {
"scale": [0.0015484881821515486, 0.0010301030103010299],
"translate": [-5.491666666666662, 41.008333333333354]
"objects": {
"states": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [{
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[0]],
"properties": {
"code_2": "AK"
}, {
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[1]],
"properties": {
"code_2": "AL"
"arcs": [[[2466, 9916], [-25, -5], [3, -13]], [[2357, 9852], [1, -2], [1, -2]]]
}, [{
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[0]],
"properties": {
"code_2": "AK",
"name": "Alaska"
}, {
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[1]],
"properties": {
"code_2": "AL",
"name": "Alabama"
Overwrite the geometries of original topojson file and save it as a normal json file:
ndjson-map 'd[0].objects.states.geometries = d[1], d[0]' < topojson_concat.ndjson > topojson_data.json
"type": "Topology",
"transform": {
"scale": [0.0015484881821515486, 0.0010301030103010299],
"translate": [-5.491666666666662, 41.008333333333354]
"objects": {
"states": {
"type": "GeometryCollection",
"geometries": [{
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[0]],
"properties": {
"code_2": "AK",
"name": "Alaska"
}, {
"type": "Polygon",
"arcs": [[1]],
"properties": {
"code_2": "AL",
"name": "Alabama"
"arcs": [[[2466, 9916], [-25, -5], [3, -13]], [[2357, 9852], [1, -2], [1, -2]]]
All commands in one line:
ndjson-join <(ndjson-cat topojson.json) <(ndjson-join '' 'd.code' <(ndjson-cat topojson.json | ndjson-split 'd.objects.states.geometries') <(tsv2json data.tsv -n | ndjson-map '{id:, code: d.code, name:}') | ndjson-map 'd[0] = d[1].name, d[0]' | ndjson-reduce) | ndjson-map 'd[0].objects.states.geometries = d[1], d[0]' > topojson_data.json
- I swapped "AK" and "AL" in the topojson file to check if the join really works.
- The last command (before the one-liner) only works on the original output and not on the given pretty-printed version, which has newlines in it.
- I tested the workflow on the subsystem for Linux since ndjson-map does not seem to work properly on Windows currently.