I tried to retrieve the dataset at the higher level (NOT the leaf level) using the MDX query. But the result is not correct. For example, based on the Microsoft Adventure Works DW 2008R2 database. I want to get the data from these two dimensions:
[Customer].[Education].[All Customers]
[Geography].[Country].[All Geographies]
with the Internet Sales Amount measure. The MDX query I use is:
select {[Measures].[Internet Sales Amount]} on axis(0), ({[Customer].[Education].[All Customers]}) on axis(1) ,({[Geography].[Country].[All Geographies]}) on axis(2) from [Adventure Works]
The result is 29358677.
But when I sum up the children nodes of both the two dimensions, the result is as follows:
The result is 176152062. What's the problem with my MDX query?