
I have written Custom activity with below code.

and when i am trying to drag and drop the custom assembly and build the application. i am getting below errors.

Error 1 The private implementation of activity '1.149: WritingCeMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    342 39  Template

Error 2 The private implementation of activity '1.205: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    429 203 Template

Error 3 The private implementation of activity '1.214: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    429 203 Template

Error 4 The private implementation of activity '1.219: WriteMessageTestName' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    382 98  Template

Error 5 The private implementation of activity '1.226: WritexUnitStdOutput' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    372 324 Template

Error 6 The private implementation of activity '1.236: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    376 186 Template

Error 7 The private implementation of activity '1.298: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    397 135 Template

Error 8 The private implementation of activity '1.325: Run MSBuild for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildMessageImportance.Normal". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    287 29  Template

Error 9 The private implementation of activity '1.325: Run MSBuild for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    287 29  Template

Error 10 The private implementation of activity '1.432: Run MSBuild for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildMessageImportance.Normal". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    177 13  Template

Error 11 The private implementation of activity '1.432: Run MSBuild for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    177 13  Template

Error 12 The private implementation of activity '1.509: WriteBuildWarning' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    152 5   Template

Error 13 The private implementation of activity '1.556: WriteBuildWarning' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    114 3   Template

Error 14 The private implementation of activity '1.149: WritingChutzpahConsoleMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 15 The private implementation of activity '1.205: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 16 The private implementation of activity '1.214: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 17 The private implementation of activity '1.219: WriteMessageTestName' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 18 The private implementation of activity '1.226: WritexUnitStdOutput' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 19 The private implementation of activity '1.236: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 20 The private implementation of activity '1.298: WriteBuildMessage' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 21 The private implementation of activity '1.325: Run MSBuild for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildMessageImportance.Normal". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 22 The private implementation of activity '1.325: Run MSBuild for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\Defaulter   0   0   

Error 23 The private implementation of activity '1.432: Run MS Build for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildMessageImportance.Normal". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\Default Template .xaml  0   0   

Error 24 The private implementation of activity '1.432: Run MS Build for Project' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InstalledUICulture.TextInfo.OEMCodePage)". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 25 The private implementation of activity '1.509: WriteBuildWarning' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Error 26 The private implementation of activity '1.556: WriteBuildWarning' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "False". Keyword is not valid as an identifier.

C:\ActivityLibrary1\DefaultTemplate.xaml    0   0   

Please help me out for above error. i already spend 2 days on it.

Which version of TFS are we talking about? If this is TFS 2010, you must use VS2010 to edit the template.jessehouwing
TFS 2010 but we are using VS 2012 with Team Explore. how can i resolve it.user237481
You must use Visual Studio 2010 + SP1 + The forward compatibiltiy GDR. You cannot change the build definition from VS2012.jessehouwing

1 Answers


You can only edit the BuildProcessTemplate from the version of Visual Studio that matches the TFS version. So even when you do development from Visual Studio 2012, you need to edit the BuildPorcessTemplate.xaml from Visual Studio 2010.

Since VS2012 uses the 2012 client object model binaries, it generates xaml that is not compatible with TFS2010. Due to all the binding redirects in the devenv.exe.config it is not possible to force Visual Studio 2012 to load the 2010 binaries.

As such you must use VS2010 to edit the 2010 build process templates. You can install VS2010 and VS2012 side by side if needed.

Alterantively, edit the files by hand, they're just XML.