
I am working on an app for world time. I have an ember model: Clock
I would like to update the time property of clock every second.

For now, I have defined a start method in clock that is responsible for updating a time property of the clock model.

I have two questions regarding this: 1. How can I call the start method of the model from my view 2. Is there any better approach I can take?

Here is my models, views, controllers, routers and templates (incase you are interested):


App.Clock = DS.Model.extend({
    city: DS.attr('string'),
    country: DS.attr('string'),
    latitude: DS.attr('string'),
    longitude: DS.attr('string'),
    time: DS.attr('date'),
    order: DS.attr('number'),

    start: function() {
        var clock = this;

        var updateTime = function() {
            var timezoneService = Utilities.TimezoneService;

            timezoneService.getTimezone(clock.get('latitude'), clock.get('longitude'), function(timezone) {
                clock.set('time', timezoneService.getDateTime(timezone.offset));


        window.setInterval(function() {
        }, 1000);


App.ClocksView = Ember.View.extend({
  templateName : 'world_clock/clocks'

App.ClocksNewView = Ember.View.extend({
  templateName : 'world_clock/new'


App.ClocksController = Ember.ArrayController.extend({
    sortProperties: ['order']

App.ClocksNewController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
    city: null,
    save: function() {
        var cityName = this.get('city');

        var locationService = Utilities.LocationService.getInstance();

        locationService.lookupLocation(cityName, function(location) {
            var city = location.city;
            var country = location.country;
            var lat = location.latitude;
            var lon = location.longitude;

            if(city && country && lat && lon) {
                var clks = App.Clock.find({ city: city });
                clks.on('didLoad', function() {
                    if(clks.get('length') === 0) {
                        var clock = App.Clock.createRecord({
                            city: location.city,
                            country: location.country,
                            latitude: location.latitude,
                            longitude: location.longitude,
                            order: 10


        this.set('city', '');



App.Router.map(function() {
    this.resource('clocks', { path: '/' }, function() {

App.ClocksRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
    model: function() {
        var locationService = Utilities.LocationService.getInstance();

        locationService.getLocation(function(location) {
                city: location.city,
                country: location.country,
                latitude: location.latitude,
                longitude: location.longitude,
                order: -10

        return App.Clock.find();


{{#linkTo "clocks.new"}}Add Clock{{/linkTo}}
    {{#each controller}}
    <li>{{city}}, {{country}} - {{time}}</li>
    You have not defined any clock yet.


<form {{action "save" on="submit"}}>
    {{view Ember.TextField valueBinding="city" placeholder="City"}}

1 Answers


How can I call the start method of the model from my view

Except in rare cases it is not a good idea to call a model method from the view. That said it is possible. For example you might use something like didInsertElement:

{{each controller itemViewClass="App.ClockView" emptyViewClass="App.NoClocksView"}}

App.ClockView = Ember.View.extend({
  template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("<li>{{city}}, {{country}} - {{time}}</li>"),
  didInsertElement: function() {
    var clock = this.get('content');

App.NoClocksView = Ember.View.extend({
  template: Ember.Handlebars.compile("You have not defined any clock yet.")

Problem with this approach is that it kinda breaks encapsulation, meaning lots of subtle things might go wrong. For example what if ember re-uses the view so it has a new clock but didInsertElement is not run. That's why Initializing State in didInsertElement is not a good idea. Or what if user navigates to/from this route, so models clocks are left running in background then when user comes back they all start again. Which leads me to:

Is there any better approach I can take?

Probably time should not be a property of App.Clock. It's not like you want to be saving time in the database, right? One alternative is: - give App.Clock a computedProperty for timezone offset - add a currentTime property to clocksController - when ClocksView has been inserted, use setTimeout to refresh currentTime every second - make a component (world-clock) which renders a specific clock - add computed property time to world-clock which calculates time given the currentTime and the clock's timezone offset.

So something like this:

<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="clocks">
{{#linkTo "clocks.new"}}Add Clock{{/linkTo}}
{{#each clock in controller}}
{{world-clock city="clock.city" country="clock.country" offset="clock.offset" currentTime="currentTime"}}

<script type="text/x-handlebars" id="components/world-clock">
  {{city}}, {{country}} - {{time}}

App.Clock = DS.Model.extend({
  city: DS.attr('string'),
  country: DS.attr('string'),
  latitude: DS.attr('string'),
  longitude: DS.attr('string'),
  order: DS.attr('number'),
  offset: function() {
    var offset;
    var service = Utilities.TimezoneService;
    service.getTimezone(this.get('latitude'), this.get('longitude'), function(zone) {
      offset = timezone.offset
    return offset;
  }.property('latitude', 'longitude')

App.WorldClockComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  tagName: 'li',
  time: function() {
    var service = Utilities.TimezoneService;
    return service.getDateTime(this.get('offset'));
  }.property('offset', 'currentTime');