
I am using SSRS2008R2, On my main report there is tablix inside tablic there is row (merged cells) which contain sub report. Subreport is initially hidden and toggled by other cell. enter image description here
When I preview my report it is working fine, I can show and hide sub report clicking on "referat" cell.
But my problem is that for every row inside tablix SSRS generating subreport, That task take a lot of time. I want to make my hiden reports do not contain data and do not call SQL during first execution of report when they are hidden. I want to subreport do SQL call just before user expand (show). I know that I should pass different params to sub report so it can realize to do or not calling sql (sprocs). . But I do not know how to pass that parameter to subreport, or how to check is something hidden or not so i can change my param to subreport.
Am I setting params at wrong plase


1 Answers


The problem is that the Value of the parameter is not recalculated when you click on "referat" and the sub-report becomes visible. In other words, all sub-reports are run up front regardless of whether or not they are hidden. My suggestion would be to use linked reports instead. Under the Action section on a textbox properties you can select "Go to report". This may not be as visually appealing, but the sub-report will only be run when it is specifically requested.