If I run gpg to sign and encrypt a file from the command line, it works. I have an application that tries the same and I get the following error. The application has worked signing and encrypting before, so I do not think that it is a permission issue. Any ideas?
Running on windows. GnuPG
gpg: keyblock resource C:/Program Files/GNU/GnuPG" --output D:/WEA/ACH/milw472b.gpg --yes --batch --armor --recipient JPMC_ECS_PROD_2015 --default-key [email protected] --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --sign --encrypt D:/WEA/ACH/ACH \secring.gpg': file open error
gpg: keyblock resource
C:/Program Files/GNU/GnuPG" --output D:/WEA/ACH/milw472b.gpg --yes --batch --armor --recipient JPMC_ECS_PROD_2015 --default-key [email protected] --passphrase-fd 0 --no-verbose --sign --encrypt D:/WEA/ACH/ACH \pubring.gpg': file open error
gpg: no valid OpenPGP data found.
gpg: processing message failed: eof