I have studied pages and discussion on matlab processing, but I still don't know how to distribute my program over several nodes(not cores). In the cluster which I am using, there are 10 nodes available, and inside each node there are 8 cores available. When Using "parfor" inside each node (locally between 8 cores), the parallel-ization works fine. But when using several nodes, I think that (not sure how to verify this) it doesn't work well. Here is a piece of program which I run on the cluster:
function testPool2()
disp('This is a comment')
disp(['matlab number of cores : ' num2str(feature('numCores'))])
disp('This is another comment!!')
for i=1:10000
b = rand(1,1000);
parfor i=1:10000
b = rand(1,1000);
And the outputs is :
This is a comment
matlab number of cores : 8
Starting matlabpool using the 'local' profile ... connected to 5 labs.
This is another comment!!
Elapsed time is 0.165569 seconds.
Elapsed time is 0.649951 seconds.
{Warning: Objects of distcomp.abstractstorage class exist - not clearing this
or any of its super-classes}
{Warning: Objects of distcomp.filestorage class exist - not clearing this class
or any of its super-classes}
{Warning: Objects of distcomp.serializer class exist - not clearing this class
or any of its super-classes}
{Warning: Objects of distcomp.fileserializer class exist - not clearing this
or any of its
The program is first compiled using "mcc -o out testPool2.m" and then transferred to an scratch drive of a server. Then I submit the job using Microsoft HPC pack 2008 R2. Also note that I don't have access to the graphical interface of the MATLAB installed on each of the nodes. I can only submit jobs using MSR HPC Job Manager (see this: http://blogs.technet.com/b/hpc_and_azure_observations_and_hints/archive/2011/12/12/running-matlab-in-parallel-on-a-windows-cluster-using-compiled-matlab-code-and-the-matlab-compiler-runtime-mcr.aspx )
Based on the above output we can see that, the number of the available cores is 8; so I infer that the "matlabpool" only works for local cores in a machine; not between nodes (separate computers connected to each other)
So, any ideas how I can generalize my for loop ("parfor") to nodes ?
PS. I have no idea what are the warnings at the end of the output !