
Here is what I am trying to do:

I have a content item "Carousel Presenter". Essentially this will present its child items within the carousel. I want the flexibility to have any number of child items. I also want the flexibility to be able to specify the presentation of each child item - they may be the same or different. I am using Sitecore 6.5.

The carousel is jcarousel. I need to generate markup generally like this (from item "Carousel Presenter"):

<div class="jcarousel">
        <li> ... MARKUP FROM ITEM 1 ... </li>
        <li> ... MARKUP FROM ITEM 2 ... </li>
        ... and so on

Here is what I have tried:

  • Created sublayout "carousel presenter.ascx", markup:


      protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Get all children and render them inside the <ul>
            var kids = Sitecore.Context.Item.GetChildren();
            foreach (Item snippet in kids)
                // Get the first rendering from item's presentation definition
                RenderingReference rendering = snippet.Visualization.GetRenderings(Sitecore.Context.Device, false).FirstOrDefault();
                // We assume that its a Sublayout, but you can also check for xslt and create an XslFile() object
                Sublayout sublayout = new Sublayout();
                sublayout.DataSource = snippet.Paths.FullPath; // creates a reference to the snippet item, so you can pull data from that later on
                sublayout.Path = rendering.RenderingItem.InnerItem["Path"];
                sublayout.Cacheable = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.Cacheable;
                // Copy cache settings
                if (rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.Cacheable)
                    sublayout.VaryByData = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.VaryByData;
                    sublayout.VaryByDevice = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.VaryByDevice;
                    sublayout.VaryByLogin = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.VaryByLogin;
                    sublayout.VaryByParm = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.VaryByParm;
                    sublayout.VaryByQueryString = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.VaryByQueryString;
                    sublayout.VaryByUser = rendering.RenderingItem.Caching.VaryByUser;
                // Now render the sublayout to the placeholder

    Note that I stole most of this code from here: Temporarily change a Sitecore item's layout

    • Created child items in content tree, beneath content item "Carousel Presenter" which are "Carousel Items", with a sublayout control assigned to each (via standard values in configuration/layout).

    Everything is published.

    When I hit my test page markup is generated for each of the child items ("Carousel Items"), and the carousel works, but it looks like the Datasource is not being assigned properly - the datasource/context of all child items is the parent item, despite setting the Datasource explicitly when I create the child controls. How do I fix this?

    Is there a better approach to what I am trying to achieve in Sitecore 6.5?



    2 Answers


    The user controls/sublayouts for your child items need to programmatically read the datasource. For this job I always have my own 'base' Sublayout class which handles the datasource issue for user controls. In my base class I default to using Sitecore.Context.Item if the datasource has not been set. The code is as follows:

    public class SublayoutBase : UserControl
        private Item _dataSource;
        public Item DataSource
                if (_dataSource == null)
                    if (Parent is Sublayout)
                        _dataSource =
                    if (_dataSource == null)
                        _dataSource = Sitecore.Context.Item;
                return _dataSource;
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            foreach (Control c in Controls)
                SetFieldRenderers(DataSource, c);
        private void SetFieldRenderers(Item item, Control control)
            if (item != null)
                var ctrl = control as Sitecore.Web.UI.WebControl;
                if (ctrl != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl.DataSource))
                    //don't set the source item if the DataSource has already been set. 
                if (control is FieldRenderer)
                    var fr = (FieldRenderer)control;
                    fr.Item = item;
                else if (control is Image)
                    var img = (Image)control;
                    img.Item = item;
                else if (control is Link)
                    var link = (Link)control;
                    link.Item = item;
                else if (control is Text)
                    var text = (Text)control;
                    text.Item = item;
                    foreach (Control childControl in control.Controls)
                        SetFieldRenderers(item, childControl);

    I tend to create a Repeater for things like this.

    You can do something like:

    <div class="jcarousel">
        <asp:Repeater id="repeater" runat="server">
                    ..markup from item such as:
                    <sc:FieldRenderer FieldName="Title" runat="server" id="titlefield" Item="<%# Container.DataItem %>" />

    Then in CodeBehind all you need to do is something like:

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        repeater.DataSource = Sitecore.Context.Item.GetChildren(); // Could also make a LINQ statement where you make sure Children are of specific template if required

    Of course, it depends what's on your child item SubLayouts whether you can use something like this