Is there a way in strong parameters to permit all attributes of a nested_attributes model? Here is a sample code.
class Lever < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :lever_benefit
accepts_nested_attributes_for :lever_benefit
class LeverBenefit < ActiveRecord::Base
# == Schema Information
# id :integer not null, primary key
# lever_id :integer
# explanation :text
For lever strong parameters i am writing currently this
def lever
params.require(:lever).permit(:name,:lever_benefit_attributes => [:lever_id, :explanation])
Is there a way for nested attributes i can write to permit all attributes without explicitly giving the attributes name like lever_id
and explanation
Note: Please don't get confused with this question with permit!
or permit(:all)
this is for permitting all for nested attributes
assets_attributes: :filename
) which is passing filename. I want to permit all parameters for nested attributes – AnkitG