
I'm sure there's some dumb mistake hiding from me, but I've been at it for over 2 hours and cannot seem to find what's going wrong. Someone please help me determine what I am doing wrong, the error is in the title and the following is my relavent code.


Exact error is the following:

TypeError: Error #1006: addToValue is not a function. at SimpleMenuMain/onTick() at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch() at flash.utils::Timer/tick()

The game runs, but does not count score, I want the score to be counted. I have triple checked that all my instance names are correct, I really don't see anything wrong with what I've done there. Possibly I somehow could be referencing them incorrectly, but all the names used in the code ARE ON my objects inside symbols and texts...etc.

Thank you so much for your time, this has really been killing me.

P.S.---I'm following a tutorial so if I'm doing something unnecessary don't blame me! Although other comments in addition to helping me answer this conundrum are welcome =).


    import flash.display.MovieClip;

    public class SMGDocClass extends MovieClip 
        public var playScreen:SimpleMenuMain;
        public var titleScreen:TitleScreen;
        public var gameOver:GameOver;

        public function SMGDocClass() 
            titleScreen = new TitleScreen();
            titleScreen.x = 0;
            titleScreen.y = 0;


        public function onStickman1Death(stickman1Event:Stickman1Event):void
            var finalScore:Number = playScreen.getFinalScore();
            var finalClockTime:Number = playScreen.getFinalClockTime();

            gameOver = new GameOver();
            gameOver.x = 5;
            gameOver.y = 6;
            gameOver.setFinalScore( finalScore );
            gameOver.setFinalClockTime( finalClockTime );

            playScreen = null;


        public function onRequestStart( navigationEvent:NavigationEvent ):void
        playScreen = new SimpleMenuMain();
        playScreen.addEventListener( Stickman1Event.DEAD, onStickman1Death,false,0,true );
        playScreen.x = 0;
        playScreen.y = 0;
        addChild( playScreen );

        titleScreen = null;

        public function restartGame():void
            playScreen = new SimpleMenuMain;
            playScreen.addEventListener(Stickman1Event.DEAD, onStickman1Death,false,0,true);
            playScreen.x = 0;
            playScreen.y = 0;

            gameOver = null;

        public function onRequestRestart(navigationEvent:NavigationEvent):void

        public function onRequestMainMenu( navigationEvent:NavigationEvent):void
            titleScreen = new TitleScreen();
            titleScreen.x = 0;
            titleScreen.y = 0;

            gameOver = null;


playScreen CLASS

package  {

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.utils.Timer;
    import flash.events.TimerEvent;

    public class SimpleMenuMain extends MovieClip {

        public var army1:Array;
        public var enemy1:Enemy1;
        public var gameTimer:Timer;
        public var stickman1:Stickman1;

        public function SimpleMenuMain() {

            army1 = new Array();
            var newEnemy1 = new Enemy1( 100, -15 );

            stickman1 = new Stickman1();
            stickman1.x = mouseX;
            stickman1.y = mouseY;

            gameTimer = new Timer(25);
            gameTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, onTick, false, 0, true);


        public function onTick(timerEvent:TimerEvent):void
            gameClock.addToValue( 25 );
            if ( Math.random() < 0.1 )
                var randomX:Number = Math.random() * 400;
                var newEnemy1:Enemy1 = new Enemy1( randomX, -15 );
                army1.push( newEnemy1 );
                addChild( newEnemy1 );
                gameScore.addToValue( 10 );

            stickman1.x = mouseX;
            stickman1.y = mouseY;

            for each (var enemy1:Enemy1 in army1)

                if (stickman1.hitTestObject(enemy1))
                    dispatchEvent(new Stickman1Event(Stickman1Event.DEAD));


        public function getFinalScore():Number
            return gameScore.currentValue;

        public function getFinalClockTime():Number
            return gameClock.currentValue;



Counter CLASS

    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    public class Counter extends MovieClip
        public var currentValue:Number;

        public function Counter()

        public function addToValue( amountToAdd:Number ):void
            currentValue = currentValue + amountToAdd;

        public function reset():void
            currentValue = 0;

        public function updateDisplay():void


Stickman1Event CLASS

    import flash.events.Event;
    public class Stickman1Event extends Event 
        public static const DEAD:String = "dead";

        public function Stickman1Event( type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false ) 
            super( type, bubbles, cancelable );


        public override function clone():Event 
            return new Stickman1Event( type, bubbles, cancelable );

        public override function toString():String 
            return formatToString( "Stickman1Event", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase" ); 

NavigationEvent CLASS

    import flash.events.Event;
    public class NavigationEvent extends Event 
        public static const RESTART:String = "restart";
        public static const START:String = "start";
        public static const MAINMENU:String = "mainmenu";

        public function NavigationEvent( type:String, bubbles:Boolean = false, cancelable:Boolean = false ) 
            super( type, bubbles, cancelable );


        public override function clone():Event 
            return new NavigationEvent( type, bubbles, cancelable );

        public override function toString():String 
            return formatToString( "NavigationEvent", "type", "bubbles", "cancelable", "eventPhase" ); 

Score Class

    import flash.text.TextField;
    public class Score extends Counter
        public function Score()

        override public function updateDisplay():void
            scoreDisplay.text = currentValue.toString();

Unless I am completely blind, you never define nor instantiate gameScore and gameClock, the two objects you are trying to call addToValue() on. Not sure why this isn't throwing a null-ref error, but that is definitely the issue. Those objects do not exist and therefore cannot have that method on them.Josh
Those are both defined as instances on my main timeline....that's why it isn't throwing a full error I think....and as long as I've given them instance names I think I should be able to reference them like that just fine?spaderdabomb
Are they instances of Counter? Counter has the addToValue() method, so they need to extend that class in order to have access to that method.Josh

1 Answers


As Josh has already pointed out, there is no guarantee that the gameScore and gameClock objects are actually instances of Counter.

We would need to see the code/place where you instantiate it.

Some possible options;

  • gameScore and gameClock are not actual Counter instances
  • you are instantiating the counter as a MovieClip, so you have added it to your stage, but you may not have hooked the Library asset and Counter class together correctly.

Can you change your Counter constructor to this and run it;

public function Counter()
    trace("i am a counter");

... you should see the trace output twice (for gameScore and gameClock), if you are not seeing the trace output, the Counter is not being constructed, which means the gameScore and gameClock are just plain MovieClip instances.