I have an XLL file (using the xll.codeplex.com library) with the following code:
xll_rootfinder(TCHAR* x, TCHAR* y, const double min, const double max)
try {
be = ExcelX(xlfTextref, OPERX(x), OPERX(true));
nav = ExcelX(xlfTextref, OPERX(y), OPERX(true));
typedef std::pair<double, double> Result;
boost::uintmax_t max_iter=50;
boost::math::tools::eps_tolerance<double> tol(5);
Result r1 = boost::math::tools::toms748_solve(recalc, min, max, tol, max_iter);
This function is then called repeatedly in a VBA sub. The parameters x and y are range addresses such as 'XX'!B42. The worksheet name is dynamic. The VBA routine activates a specific worksheet and then does calculations using the XLL function on that worksheet. If I run the VBA sub manually, while starting on the correct worksheet, everything will work (until it needs to switch worksheets). So I don't believe this is a C++ problem. If I start the sub from any other worksheet, Excel will crash as soon as it hits the first XLL call:
Call Application.Run("ROOTFINDER", PriceAddress, NAVAddress, 45, 500)
There is no reference to ThisWorksheet or ActiveWorksheet in my code. I have set breakpoints and made sure the worksheet variable is set properly.
Why is it that the XLL seems to have a problem accessing the newly activated sheet despite given the proper range addresses including the sheet name?
Much appreciated.