
I'm using this C# code, for acquiring the frames generated by the kinect device, and for writing these frames to .wmv file:

writer = new VideoFileWriter();
writer.Open("outputFileName.wmv", 320, 240, 15, VideoCodec.WMV2);

void client_ColorFrameReady(object sender, ColorFrameReadyEventArgs e)
using (var frame = BitmapImage2Bitmap(e.ColorFrame.BitmapImage))
     using (var thumb = ResizeBitmap(frame, 320, 240))

When all the frames are written into the file, the file is closed (using writer.Close()) and sent to a remote server a Java application using ftp client.

Is there any way to write the file directly to the server, while it is still processing? Can I associate a writer to remote file? For example: writer.Open("remoteServer\outputFileName.wmv", 320, 240, 15, VideoCodec.WMV2); , or do I have to write first the entire file to local disk, then send it to the remote server?


1 Answers


If the account the application is running under has permission to write to a folder on the server, then in theory you should be able to write to it. You should be able to just use the UNC path for the server e.g.


However, you might find you experience problems due to network performance. I guess the only way to know is to try it.