
I am having difficiulties with creating portlet for Liferay. I have standard installation, where Liferay Portal resides in liferay_home/bundles and plugins SDK in liferay_home/plugins.

I have placed new portlet app in liferay_home/plugins/portlets/my-portlet. From there I run ant deploy and I can see WAR file was successfully assembled and was copied to liferay_home/bundles/deploy.

However, in the running Liferay Portal instancel I don't see portlet that was just freshly copied to deploy folder. So I though I'll check out logs, but liferay_home/bundles/tomcat-7.0.27/logs is empty.

Any ideas what might be wrong?


2 Answers


Liferay observes ${liferay.home}/deploy for changes. If you moved your installation, check if you have ${liferay.home} configured in an unexpected location. This commonly happens with portal-setupwizard.properties.

Also, whatever user tomcat/liferay runs at must have read/write access on the deploy directory as well as tomcat's webapps directory if you use this method of deployment. Especially when you don't run tomcat under your own user, or when you're once ran it as root, this can mess up permissions

Lastly, for completeness, tomcat/liferay must run in order to deploy from ${liferay.home}/deploy to tomcat/webapps.


While giving path for liferay.home in portal-setup-wizard.properties I had to replace single backslash with double backslashes in windows environment.