Confusing title, my bad.
Basically, I have a list of names. Looping through, I add a MovieClip, Set 2 properties to it, the name, and an ID. The MovieClip is at the same time made to function as a button and I add 4 listeners, mouse up, over, down, or out. I do this with every name. The function each one is set to is the same.
EX: enemyButton[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, mouseUpHandler);
The enemyID turns up "not valid property," time to time when I click, it doesn't crash at all, but sometimes I have to hit the button a few times.
I have narrowed the problem down to having to be caused by the listeners.
The function as simple as:
EX: function mouseUpHandler(e:MouseEvent):void { enemySelected(; }
My question is, is too many listeners likely to be the problem? and how can I reduce them?
Here's a snippet of the loop:
var C:Class = Class(getDefinitionByName(enemies[i]));
var c:* = new C();
enemyButton[i].enemyID = i; = "select" + i;
c.enemyID = i;
enemyButton[i].enemyName.text = info[i][Const.NAME];
enemyButton[i].setChildIndex(enemyButton[i].getChildByName("enemyName"), enemyButton[i].numChildren-1);