I am trying to upload image/file to google cloud storage from my GAE application using new Gcs Client Library.
Here is the code snippet
GcsService gcsService = GcsServiceFactory.createGcsService(new RetryParams.Builder()
GcsFilename filename = new GcsFilename(BUCKETNAME, FILENAME);
GcsFileOptions options = new GcsFileOptions.Builder().mimeType("text/html").acl("public-read").build();
GcsOutputChannel writeChannel = gcsService.createOrReplace(filename,options);
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(Channels.newWriter(writeChannel, "UTF8"));
out.println("The woods are lovely dark and deep.");
out.println("But I have promises to keep.");
writeChannel.write(ByteBuffer.wrap("And miles to go before I sleep.".getBytes()));
When i look into the logs i am getting 403 error like this
Server replied with 403, check that ACLs are set correctly on the object and bucket:
Request: POST https://storage.googleapis.com/<bucket name>/<object name>
x-goog-resumable: start
x-goog-api-version: 2
Content-Type: text/html
x-goog-acl: public-read
no content
Response: 403 with 152 bytes of content
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 152
Date: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 14:10:02 GMT
Server: HTTP Upload Server Built on Jun 28 2013 13:27:54 (1372451274)
X-Google-Cache-Control: remote-fetch
Via: HTTP/1.1 GWA
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><Error><Code>AccessDenied</Code><Message>Access denied.</Message><Details>images2.solestruck.com</Details></Error>
Can someone help me in fixing this.