
I've upgraded to VS.NET 2013, and now, every time I start to debug an ASP.NET MVC4 app in IIS, some how __vwd/js/artery is created, this script is interfering with my RequireJS setup and it crashes the jQuery reference.

Does anyone know how can i get rid of this script?


window.vwdTempJQuery = window.jQuery = window.$;
window.jQuery = window.$ = null;
window.vwdTempJSON = window.JSON;

*! jQuery v1.8.2 jquery.com | jquery.org/license */


// Restore original jQuery references.
window.jQuery = window.$ = window.vwdTempJQuery;
window.vwdTempJQuery = null;
// Restore original JSON.
if (window.JSON !== window.vwdTempJSON)
    window.JSON = window.vwdTempJSON;


LE: It has been fixed in Visual Studio 2013 RTM

it doesn't seem to be fixed. I'm still getting errors on the console (even tho it doesn't seem to cause much trouubles). My version of VS2013 is: 12.0.21005.1 RELuser1047100
@Geeo are you getting errors when loading jQuery with RequireJS?Stefan P.
I'm not using RequireJS but when "Browser Link" is active I get errors in the console.user1047100
Took me forever to find this answer - Mainly because I didn't know what to ask that wasnt vague..TheGeekZn

2 Answers


A friend of mine found it, it's Enable Browser Link enter image description here


I found that it was still running until I actually added a value for it in the Web.config appSettings to turn it off.

<add key="vs:EnableBrowserLink" value="false" />