
So I'm using GWT + GXT and have created a GXT Tabpanel (see a similar demo/source displaying the basics of what I have here - be sure to go to the tabs > basic tabs section).

Once rendered, it's styling is shown like below:

enter image description here

Clicking on the anchors (small crosses in the top right-hand corner) results in that tab being closed. However, this is a piece of default behaviour I don't want, and would like to remove.

Say my TabPanel is simply:

panel= new TabPanel();
panel. ............... // Method to remove all tabs 'close tab' option.

panel.add(datacenterGrid, new TabItemConfig("Datacenter", true)); // Adding tab one
panel.add(clusterGrid, new TabItemConfig("Cluster", true)); // Adding tab two

Which Tabpanel method could I use to simply remove the close tab option? (Apologies if it's something simple and I'm being stupid, this area's new to me and I couldn't see any obvious method for it in the documentation).


2 Answers


If you want to remove the close button, just mark the tab as not closable.

You can do this with method: TabPanel.add(Widget widget, TabItemConfig config);

See setters on TabItemConfig

Now, if you really want to customize the menu, I already asked how to do it here.


The second parameter in new TabItemConfig(String text, boolean close) is whether or not the tab should be closeable. Just change

new TabItemConfig("Datacenter", true)


new TabItemConfig("Datacenter", false)

Or better yet

new TabItemConfig("Datacenter")

As the default behavior is false.