
I have a zipped 2GB file that I need to upload to Windows Azure through my home cable connection, how long should I expect that this file gets uploaded? Has anyone averaged their upload time for their files?

Also when I do this to create a blob for uploading a file

        CloudBlob _blob = _container.GetBlobReference("file1");

is this creating CloudBlockBlob or CloudPageBlob by default? I have been using the above code to upload files and it has been quite slow.

This is actually quite hard to answer as your upload time would depend on a number of factors - your Internet speed, number of parallel threads you're using to upload the blob, size of individual blocks in which you're splitting your file etc.Gaurav Mantri
You should split this into two questions. Well... the first part is unanswerable and doesn't fit the StackOverflow Q&A guidelines. The second part is completely separate, fits the guidelines, and can be answered.David Makogon

1 Answers

CloudBlob _blob = _container.GetBlobReference("file1");

It does not create CloudBlockBlob or CloudPageBlob by default.

If you want to use CloudBlockBlob (Azure SDK v2.0):

// Retrieve reference to a blob named "myblob".
CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("myblob");

now split your file to a small pieces (4MB max), and upload each piece like this:

blob.PutBlock(blockId, memoryStream, null);

where: blockId is a base64-encoded block ID that identifies the block.

and memoryStream A stream that provides the data for the block.