
I have a custom list (Employees) and a task list (Applications) The Employees list has a field that takes in multiple selections from the Applications list. The Applications list has different tasks assigned to it like (emailing a certain user, etc) How do I make it so that when a new item is created in the Employees list that all the Application tasks selected for the new employee is kicked off? There could be 1 or more applications.

Can someone point me to the right direction? Thanks.

enter image description here


2 Answers


In your case, I think I would tend to change the relation of the list. Right now you relate from Employees to Applications, leading to a column that refers to several entries in a different list. As I don't know how to handle that, I would turn that around and point the Application list to the Employee. Like that you could just select all entries in the Application list containing a reference to the Employee.

I am unsure however, how you could have a reference to tasks (or Application) of an Employee that has not yet been created..


I suggest you create SharePoint list trigger (Event receiver) that when you add new record in employee list, this option add to mutiple seclection list in application.
