When connecting from powerpivot to SSAS, I got the following problem - if for some reason no rows are returned by mdx query, no column names are returned either and powerpivot gives an error. When executing such a query in SSMS I got 0 rows if mdx returns nothing and 2 rows if mdx returns 1 row (column names and the row itself). So - can I somehow force SSAS to return column names? Query currently looks a bit like this:
SELECT NON EMPTY {[Measures].[Measure1]} ON COLUMNS,
NON EMPTY {Filter([DimLocalDate].[Date].&[20110101]:[DimLocalDate].[Date].&[20120101],
[JobStatus].[JobStatus].&[1] } ON ROWS
FROM [TheCube]
In my app customer can specify dates and status value. If no results are found I would expect an empty result set, but instead I got an error. Thanks.