
Following the getting started with django heroku page verbatim. https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/django

On the foreman start step, foreman is not running correctly. ProcFile contents,

web: gunicorn hellodjango.wsgi

Requirements contents:


enter virtual env exactly as tutorial, gunicorn, procfile and requirements located in scripts directory below, the wsgi.py file is located in directory hellodjango with pathline C:\hellodjango2\newvirtualenv\Scripts\hellodjango

python and python/scripts are located on pathfile.

here is the output

(newvirtualenv) C:\hellodjango2\newvirtualenv\Scripts>foreman start
09:48:58 web.1  | started with pid 3580
09:48:58 web.1  | exited with code 1
09:48:58 system | sending SIGKILL to all processes
Are you using Windows? look at: [Gunicorn doesn't run on Windows][1] (and similar answer [here][2]) [1]: stackoverflow.com/questions/11087682/… [2]: stackoverflow.com/questions/12627885/…ItayB
Looks like you're on windows. Just get a linux virtual machine installed on your machine and use it there if you need it.stormlifter

1 Answers


Following the today's heroku documentation, it advises you to use:

$ heroku local web

instead of foreman. Can you give it a try?

Another thing you could do to check if everything is working fine is to run the django by itself: python manage.py runserver, if its not working, can you add the traceback generated by that call?