The documentation is only for the client. What I need is documentation
on how to provide Service Account functionality on the server side.
This could mean a couple of different things, but I'd like to address what I think the question is asking. If you only want your service account to access your service, then you can just add the service account's clientId to your @Api/@ApiMethod annotations, build a GoogleCredential, and invoke your service as you normally would. Specifically...
In the google developer's console, create a new service account. This will create a .p12 file which is automatically downloaded. This is used by the client in the documentation you linked to. If you can't keep the .p12 secure, then this isn't much more secure than a password. I'm guessing that's why this isn't explicitly laid out in the Cloud Endpoints documentation.
You add the CLIENT ID displayed in the google developer's console to the clientIds in your @Api or @ApiMethod annotation
@ApiMethod(name = "doIt", scopes = { Constants.EMAIL_SCOPE },
clientIds = { "" })
public void doIt(User user){ //by convention, add User parameter to existing params
// if no client id is passed or the oauth2 token doesn't
// match your clientId then user will be null and the dev server
// will print a warning message like this:
// WARNING: getCurrentUser: clientId not allowed
You build a client the same way you would with the unsecured version, the only difference being you create a GoogleCredential object to pass to your service's MyService.Builder.
HttpTransport httpTransport = new NetHttpTransport(); // or build AndroidHttpClient on Android however you wish
JsonFactory jsonFactory = new JacksonFactory();
// assuming you put the .p12 for your service acccount
// (from the developer's console) on the classpath;
// when you deploy you'll have to figure out where you are really
// going to put this and load it in the appropriate manner
URL url = getClass().class.getResource("/YOURAPP-b12345677654.p12");
File p12file = new File(url.toURI());
GoogleCredential.Builder credentialBuilder = new GoogleCredential.Builder();
//NOTE: use service account EMAIL (not client id)
credentialBuilder.setServiceAccountId(""); credentialBuilder.setServiceAccountScopes(Collections.singleton(""));
GoogleCredential credential =;
Now invoke your generated client the same way
you would the unsecured version, except the builder takes
our google credential from above as the last argument
MyService.Builder builder = new MyService.Builder(httpTransport, jsonFactory, credential);
builder.setApplicationName("APP NAME");
final MyService service =;
// invoke service same as unsecured version