I'm using ActiveSupport::Concern to dry up some code that is included on my AR classes. I have a module for calculating the lower wilson bound on data:
module CalculateWilsonBound
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
included do
class_attribute :wilson_ratings
class_attribute :wilson_positive_ratings
def calculate_wilson_lower_bound
number_of_ratings = self.class.wilson_ratings.call(self)
After I've included it onto an object, I want to provide two class level methods (wilson_ratings, wilson_positive_ratings) which define blocks which will return respective counts.
From the AR objects point of view:
class Influence < ActiveRecord::Base
include CalculateWilsonBound
wilson_ratings { |model| model.votes }
wilson_positive_ratings { |model| model.positive_votes }
This does not cause any runtime errors, but when I got to access the class attribute:
number_of_ratings = self.class.wilson_ratings.call(self)
It's nil.
First of all, am I organising the code in a that makes sense, secondaly, why is the class attribute nil?