
I Have the following query:

SELECT `p_products`.`id`, `p_products`.`name`, `p_products`.`date`, 
       `p_products`.`img`, `p_products`.`safe_name`, `p_products`.`sku`, 
       `p_products`.`productstatusid`, `op`.`quantity`
FROM `p_products` 
INNER JOIN `p_product_p_category` 
        ON `p_products`.`id` = `p_product_p_category`.`p_product_id`
LEFT JOIN (SELECT `p_product_id`,`order_date`,SUM(`product_quantity`) as quantity 
           FROM `p_orderedproducts` 
           WHERE `order_date`>='2013-03-01 16:51:17' 
           GROUP BY `p_product_id`) AS op
       ON `p_products`.`id` = `op`.`p_product_id`
WHERE `p_product_p_category`.`p_category_id` IN ('15','23','32') 
  AND `p_products`.`active` = '1'
GROUP BY `p_products`.`id`

Explain says:

id  select_type table   type    possible_keys   key key_len ref rows    Extra
1   PRIMARY p_product_p_category    ref p_product_id,p_category_id,p_product_id_2   p_category_id   4   const   8239    Using temporary; Using filesort
1   PRIMARY p_products  eq_ref  PRIMARY PRIMARY 4   pdev.p_product_p_category.p_product_id  1   Using where
1   PRIMARY   ALL NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    78  
2   DERIVED p_orderedproducts   index   order_date  p_product_id    4   NULL    201 Using where

And I have indexes on a number of columns including p_products.date.

Problem is the speed when there are more then 5000 products in a number of categories. 60000 products take >1 second. Is there any way to speed things up?

This also holds true if I remove the left join in which case the result is:

id  select_type table   type    possible_keys   key key_len ref rows    Extra
1   SIMPLE  p_product_p_category    index   p_product_id,p_category_id,p_product_id_2   p_product_id_2  8   NULL    91167   Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort
1   SIMPLE  p_products  eq_ref  PRIMARY PRIMARY 4   pdev.p_product_p_category.p_product_id  1   Using where

The intermediatate table p_product_p_category has indexes on both p_product_id and p_category_id aswell as a combined index with both.

Tries Ochi's suggestion and ended up with:

id  select_type table   type    possible_keys   key key_len ref rows    Extra
1   PRIMARY   ALL NULL    NULL    NULL    NULL    62087   Using temporary; Using filesort
1   PRIMARY nr1media_products   eq_ref  PRIMARY PRIMARY 4   cats.nr1media_product_id    1 Using where
2   DERIVED nr1media_product_nr1media_category  range   nr1media_category_id    nr1media_category_id    4   NULL    62066   Using where

I think I can simplify the question to how can I join my products on the category intermediate table to fetch all unique products for the selected categories, sorted by date.


This gives me all unique products in the categories without using a temp table for ordering or grouping:

    EXISTS (
            p_product_p_category.p_product_id = p_products.id
        AND p_category_id IN ('15', '23', '32')
AND p_products.active = 1
    `date` DESC

Above query is very fast, much faster then the join using group by order by (0.04 VS 0.7 sec), although I don't understand why it can do this query without temp tables.

I think I need to find another solution for the orderedproducts join, it still slows the query down to >1 sec. Might make a cron to update the ranking of the products sold once every night and save that info to the p_products table.

Unless someone has a definitive solution...


2 Answers


You are joining every type of category to products - only then it gets filtered by category id

try to limit your query as soon as possible for e.g. instead of

INNER JOIN `p_product_p_category`


INNER JOIN ( SELECT * FROM `p_product_p_category` WHERE `p_category_id` IN ('15','23','32') )

so that you will be working on smaller subset of products right from begining


One possible solution would be to remove the derived table and just do a single Group By:

Select P.id, P.name, P.date
    , P.img, P.safe_name, P.sku
    , P.productstatusid
    , Sum( OP.product_quantity ) As quantity
From p_products As P
    Join p_product_p_category As CAT
        On p_products.id = CAT.p_product_id

    Left Join p_orderedproducts As OP
        On OP.p_product_id = P.id
            And OP.order_date >= '2013-03-01 16:51:17' 

Where CAT.p_category_id In ('15','23','32') 
    And P.active = '1'
Group By P.id, P.name, P.date
    , P.img, P.safe_name, P.sku
    , P.productstatusid
Order By P.date Desc