
Could anyone explain this screen:

enter image description here

As you can see I have simple array - debugger shows values of its elements when I use A[0], A1... but I cannot get elements with local variable A[i] (but value of "i" is shown correctly).

Project settings:
Debug info: ON
Local Symbols: ON
Optimization: OFF.

Project (one PAS file) is BUILD so DCU is fresh. You can see on that screen almost full code of this test project so there is no chance that array A or "i" is declared in some other unit etc...

Now I checked - the same code in Delphi XE3 works perfectly - debugger shows all values. It seems that XE4 has a serious bug in basic feature :-((

check properties for A[i] watch and try to setting "allow function call" there. Just shooting into the skies.Arioch 'The
try adding j:integer variable, adding j := i into the loop body and watching A[j] instead. It is exotic tome (XE2 user) to see i grayed out and i cannot see any other reason, than it being loop-variable. BTW, turning optimizations ON, would it help ?Arioch 'The
Please post your "Project Options" window selecting the "Compiler" item so that we could see the full configuration.gustavogbc
What does High(A) return? I'm not sure how High works with associative arrays, but is it possible High(A) is returning the highest value, not highest key? If that's the case, it may be trying to access A[2], and that is inaccessabledKen
I tried to reproduce in an older version of Delphi and had some likely behavior... ALthough, in my context, Optimization was ON. I would like to compare your full configuration (your "Project Options" window selecting the "Compiler") with mine, @rafal-chlopek.gustavogbc

2 Answers


It doesn't work because 'val' is a function and not a variable. Double click on the watched item and check the property 'allow function calls'.


i is a var and this var need an amount for instance change i to 1 and check it;
