I'm trying to make a special menu pop up in Slick Grid when the user holds down the mouse button for some amount of time. The menu has to relate specifically to that column, so I need to somehow retrieve the information from that column. Since the popup will appear during the time the mouse button is held, I can't use an onclick event.
I do have some code I used to make this work for the main body of the grid:
// Attach the mousedown and mouseup functions to the entire grid
$(document).ready(function () {
$("#myGrid").bind("mousedown", function (e, args) {
var event = e;
timer = setTimeout(function () { heldMouse(event, args); }, 500);
.bind("mouseup", function () {
function heldMouse(e, args) {
// if header click -
// showHeaderContextMenu(e, args)
// else
mouseHeldDown = false;
// Displays context menu
function showContextMenu(e) {
var cell = grid.getCellFromEvent(e);
grid.setActiveCell(cell.row, cell.cell);
.css("top", e.pageY - 5)
.css("left", e.pageX - 5)
(I know args is going to be empty, it's there more as a placeholder than anything else for now)
This works perfectly fine for holding down on the main body, but if I do this on the header, since I no longer have access to getCellFromEvent and the mouse events I've called can't get args from anywhere, I'm unsure how I can get information about the header and which column I'm in. Is there a bit of functionality in Slickgrid that I've overlooked? I didn't notice a mousedown event I could subscribe to.
I had a thought that I could bind separate events to both the header and the body, but I'm not sure if that would still be able to get me the information I need. Looking at the tags, I see two possibilities: slick-header-column, which has an id (slickgrid_192969DealNbr) but I'm not sure how to reliably remove that number (where does it come from?), or slick-column-name, where I can get the html from that tag, but sometimes those names are altered and I'd rather not deal with that unless I absolutely have to. This is what I'm referring to:
<DIV id=slickgrid_192969OrdStartDate_ATG title="" class="ui-state-default slick-header-column" style="WIDTH: 74px">
<SPAN class=slick-column-name>
<SPAN style="COLOR: green">OrdStartDate</SPAN></SPAN><SPAN class=slick-sort-indicator></SPAN>
<DIV class=slick-resizable-handle></DIV></DIV>
Also, I have this:
grid.onHeaderContextMenu.subscribe(function (e, args) {
// args.column - the column information
showHeaderContextMenu(e, args);
Is there a way perhaps I could trigger this event from the mouse holding methods and receive args with the column name in it? This was just a thought, I'm not really sure how the triggering works with SlickGrid/JQuery, but figured it might be possible.
Thanks for any suggestions!