new to ember js, and working on an app using ember-data. If I test with same data using FixtureAdapter, everything populates in the html template ok. When I switch to RESTAdapter, the data looks like it's coming back ok, but the models are not being populated in the template? Any ideas? Here's the code:
App.Store = DS.Store.extend({
//adapter: 'DS.FixtureAdapter'
adapter: DS.RESTAdapter.extend({
App.Brand = DS.Model.extend({
name: DS.attr('string'),
numStyles: DS.attr('string'),
vendorId: DS.attr('string')
App.BrandsRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
return App.Brand.find();
And here is the data coming back, but not being inserted into the template!
returnValue: [{numStyles:1, name:Easton, vendorId:6043}, {numStyles:1, name:Louisville Slugger, vendorId:6075},…]
0: {numStyles:1, name:Easton, vendorId:6043}
1: {numStyles:1, name:Louisville Slugger, vendorId:6075}
2: {numStyles:1, name:Rawlings, vendorId:6109}
3: {numStyles:7, name:BWP Bats , vendorId:6496}
4: {numStyles:1, name:DeMarini, vendorId:W002}
status: "ok"
And here is the template:
{{#each brand in model.returnValue }}
<div class="brand-node"{{action select brand}}>
<p>{{brand.numStyles}} Styles</p>
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I'm not getting any errors, and the data seems to be coming back ok, just not getting into the template. Not sure if the returned dataset needs "id" param?
I am also using the Store congfig to alter the find() from plural to singular:
DS.RESTAdapter.configure("plurals", {
brand: "brand"
The way the API was written, its expecting "brand" and not "brands"... maybe its something to do with this??
Thanks in advance.