
This is my php script where i am querying a database to get data and plot the data using fusion chart

$query = "SELECT * FROM chronology_chart"; 
if( $result = mysqli_query ($connect,$query)){
$stack = array( );  
while($row = mysqli_fetch_array($result)) {
    $stack[] = $row["Tapeout-Date"];
    $variable .= "<category name = '$row[Date]' hoverText = '$row[Event]'/>";
$variable .= "</categories>";
$variable .= "<dataset seriesname='' color= '99cc00' renderAs='line' showAreaBorder='0' areaBorderThickness='2' areaBorderColor='' isTrendZone='1'>";

$arrlength = count($stack);
#echo $arrlength;
    $variable .= "<set value = '$stack[$x]'/>";
$variable .= "</dataset>";
$variable .= "</graph>";


now this will make the date in $row[Event] to appear as hovertext when i move the mouse over graph line. is there a way to make that hovertext value to be displayed always .!!!? please help

i am not able to put up a picture of the graph.. could you pls take a look at this url and let me know lh4.ggpht.com/…Shreyas Gowda

1 Answers


hoverText is equivalent to tooltip text and that should not stay always visible.

You should try using displayValue instead (if using v3.x)