
I am more familiar in Eclipse and need the IntelliJ equivalent. In Eclipse, I could open a java class, right click, show file in package explorer and it would highlight the file on the left. What is the IntelliJ equivalent.

Not sure what you're looking for, but does ALT-F1 (or Navigate/Select In... in case it's not the same as on the Mac) do what you need?Joachim Isaksson
No, that opens different views. Let's say I have a file open, I need to highlight/select that file on the 'left' view. E.g. I have expanded/exploded view on the left but can't find the file that I have open in the explorer.Berlin Brown

5 Answers


You can highlight a file you have open in the editor in a number of views using the Select In...menu that can be opened using ALT-F1 when the editor window has the cursor.

The most usual ones (Project/Packages) are found under the menu opened by ALT-F1 and then right arrow.


You can also double click the circle/cross button ontop of the Project view

it will show you the current active file in the project structure

enter image description here


You can turn on Autoscroll from source in Project Tool Window so that the file/class to the left is scrolled to as soon as you open a file for edit.

If this option is on, IntelliJ IDEA automatically navigates from a file in the editor to the corresponding node (file, class, field, method, etc.) in the Project tool window. Note that selecting this option makes the Scroll to Source button unavailable.


It is called "select in project view".

You'd better edit your keymap ! (alt+F1 right arrow is not very efficient...)

file > settings > keymap > select in project view : alt+E for example


You can press Alt-Home, it goes to the navigation bar.

Go to or select the package by pressing left arrow.

Press F4 now to see it in the project view.