I have a DatagridView with the Option AllowUserToAddRows = True. So my user can see the last blank line and if he inserts something there a new Row is generated.
I have some calculations to do when the user changes cell values for this i use the EndEdit Event. And I also use a Custom Contextmenu to delete rows from this Datagridview.
So now my Problem, if I Add a new Row (and Important) if I do not Change the Selected Row after creation, and then delete a Row through the Contextmenu both Rows, the newly created and the one i want to delete dissapear.
I see if i create a new Row this Row is Initial in Detached State and gets Added after i Change the selected Row.
So my Question, is there a way to create a Row and set the State to Added programmatically? There is a setAdded Method in the DataRow but I couldnĀ“t call it when the Row is detached.
I have found the MSDN Article which says I had to Add the Row to a RowCollection then the Rowstate is Added, but in my Case (and Mind) the Row is allready in a RowCollection course i Add it to the datagridview....
I hope you understand my creepy english, if you need Sourcecode to understand my meaning just ask.
Best Regads