I'm building an application using ReactiveCocoa. The top view is a menu which can be pulled down then pushed back up. I have to use two different gesture recognizers – one for pulling down and one for pushing back up. Only one can be enabled at a time – and there's my problem. State.
I'm using the BlocksKit extension to set up the gesture recognizer.
self.panHeaderDownGestureRecognizer = [[UIPanGestureRecognizer alloc] initWithHandler:^(UIGestureRecognizer *sender, UIGestureRecognizerState state, CGPoint location) {
UIPanGestureRecognizer *recognizer = (UIPanGestureRecognizer *)sender;
CGPoint translation = [recognizer translationInView:self.view];
if (state == UIGestureRecognizerStateChanged)
[self.downwardHeaderPanSubject sendNext:@(translation.y)];
else if (state == UIGestureRecognizerStateEnded)
// Determine the direction the finger is moving and ensure if it was moving down, that it exceeds the minimum threshold for opening the menu.
BOOL movingDown = ([recognizer velocityInView:self.view].y > 0 && translation.y > kMoveDownThreshold);
// Animate the change
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.25f animations:^{
if (movingDown)
[self.downwardHeaderPanSubject sendNext:@(kMaximumHeaderTranslationThreshold)];
[self.downwardHeaderPanSubject sendNext:@(0)];
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
[self.menuFinishedTransitionSubject sendNext:@(movingDown)];
In my initWithNibName:bundle:
method, I'm setting up the following RACSubject
self.headerMovementSubject = [RACSubject subject];
[self.headerMovementSubject subscribeNext:^(id x) {
// This is the ratio of the movement. 0 is closed and 1 is open.
// Values less than zero are treated as zero.
// Values greater than one are valid and will be extrapolated beyond the fully open menu.
CGFloat ratio = [x floatValue];
CGRect headerFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(self.view.bounds), kHeaderHeight + ratio * kMaximumHeaderTranslationThreshold);
if (ratio < 0)
headerFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, CGRectGetWidth(self.view.bounds), kHeaderHeight);
self.headerViewController.view.frame = headerFrame;
// This subject is responsible for receiving translations from a gesture recognizers and turning
// thos values into ratios. These ratios are fead into other signals.
self.downwardHeaderPanSubject = [RACSubject subject];
[self.downwardHeaderPanSubject subscribeNext:^(NSNumber *translation) {
CGFloat verticalTranslation = [translation floatValue];
CGFloat effectiveRatio = 0.0f;
if (verticalTranslation <= 0)
effectiveRatio = 0.0f;
else if (verticalTranslation <= kMaximumHeaderTranslationThreshold)
effectiveRatio = fabsf(verticalTranslation / kMaximumHeaderTranslationThreshold);
CGFloat overshoot = verticalTranslation - kMaximumHeaderTranslationThreshold;
CGFloat y = 2 * sqrtf(overshoot + 1) - 2;
effectiveRatio = 1.0f + (y / kMaximumHeaderTranslationThreshold);
[self.headerMovementSubject sendNext:@(effectiveRatio)];
// This subject is responsible for mapping this value to other signals and state (ugh).
self.menuFinishedTransitionSubject = [RACReplaySubject subject];
[self.menuFinishedTransitionSubject subscribeNext:^(NSNumber *menuIsOpenNumber) {
BOOL menuIsOpen = menuIsOpenNumber.boolValue;
self.panHeaderDownGestureRecognizer.enabled = !menuIsOpen;
self.panHeaderUpGestureRecognizer.enabled = menuIsOpen;
self.otherViewController.view.userInteractionEnabled = !menuIsOpen;
if (menuIsOpen)
[self.headerViewController flashScrollBars];
There's a lot going on here. The problem is exacerbated by the fact that I've got nearly double the number of subjects as I've listed here (ones for the pan-up gesture recognizer, too), plus another set of recognizers for similar interaction with the footer. That's a lot of subjects.
My question is in two parts:
- Is there a better way to set up the kind of chaining I want? I'm re-using some of the subjects in my push-up gesture, as well, which looks really similar. I've got a lot of
and it seems janky. - The
is essentially used for managing the state of the gesture recognizers. I tried binding theirenabled
property without any luck. Any advice here?