This is the problem I am having. I hope someone can explain why
I have a large dataset I am using to predict a categorical value - L,M,H - in the original data.frame it is a factor.
The training set is large, so I do not have enough memory to train on it - so I took a sample of my training dataset and create a randomForest. Then I created a different random sample and created a second forest, .... They all have similar performance which was a concern
I found the combine function in randomForest and decided to use it to combine my models.
I then need to use the new model to score the train set to get an OOB estimate and then the same with my validation sample.
I am having a problem with the prediction on the test set.
I basically get a message saying "Error in eval(expr,envirmenclos) : object 'XXX' not found" where XXX is the variable name. But this makes no sense as the variables never changed names
I redid this a few times, in case my data got corrupted.
Any idea why am I getting this?