I am developing a single sign on ASP.NET application, and I am trying to decide whether to make use of the WIF SAML 2.0 CTP or instead use ADFS 2.0. I have read several places that the WIF SAML 2.0 CTP enables identity provider initiated SSO, but I can't find any examples or tutorials anywhere. Does anyone know a good resource for becoming familiar with the methods of doing this using WIF CTP?
2 Answers
So you want SSO from your ASP.NET application to a SAML IdP?
It sounds like you've figured out that you can either go direct to the SAML IdP by adding a SAML stack to your application or by going WS-Fed to ADFS and then SAML to the IdP.
As mentioned the SAML CTP has been in CTP for ages and there is little documentation.
Have a look at the OpenSSO Fedlet.
However, you will probably find the ADFS option both quicker and easier.