Hello Peeps (first post yay).
I have just started to learn about unity and still going through various tutorials and learning the interface along with C#.
I am running Unity 4 and downloaded a free asset from the Unity store: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/3174
The Problem. I created a Plane in Unity. Went to the Character and created colliders and imported it as a humanoid. Then added a rigid body = The character fell through the plane I then added a Mesh collider and attached the mesh for the character to the collider. The mesh does NOT align correctly to the character = the character fell through the plane. I then tried box and capsule colliders and they worked fine. Attached these and the character would not fall through. I then tried a character controller = Character did not fall through.
I want to have an accurate mesh for this test character so when an enemy hits him, there is an actual hit.
I have tried several other free characters from the store and they all have the same problem. Can someone please tell me how I can fix this? It seems I just either doing something completely wrong, missing a step or just plain lost.
Link below to image of the issue taken: