
I am trying to import data from mysql to hbase using sqoop:

sqoop import --connect jdbc:mysql://<hostname>:3306/test --username USERNAME -P --table testtable --direct --hbase-table testtable --column-family info --hbase-row-key id --hbase-create-table

The process runs smoothly, without any error, but the data goes to hdfs and not to hbase.

Here is my setup:

HBase and Hadoop is installed in distributed mode in my three server cluster. Namenode and HBase Master being one one server. Datanodes and Region server lies in two other servers. Sqoop is installed in NameNode server only. I am using Hadoop version 0.20.2-cdh3u3, hbase version 0.90.6-cdh3u4 and sqoop version 1.3.0-cdh3u3.

Any suggestions where I am doing wrong?


2 Answers


Sqoop's direct connectors usually do not support HBase and this is definitely the case for MySQL direct connector. You should drop the --direct option if you need import data into HBase.