I have been trying for the longest while to find a way to upload images using windows azure blob storage with windows phone. I tried using windows azure storage client for windows phone but that does not seem to be working any more. I also tried about 2 other nuget packages and I also tried a web service that will handle the upload for but that didn't work out well as I wasn't completely how I should connect the web service to my phone app. I tried also uploading it using windows azure mobile service. Could anyone give me some pointers on how I should go about getting this to work?
Problem with windows azure storage client for windows phone
Install-Package Phone.Storage -Version 1.0.1 Attempting to resolve dependency 'SilverlightActivator (≥ 1.0.3)'. 'Phone.Storage 1.0.1' already installed. ProjectName already has a reference to 'Phone.Storage 1.0.1'.
But no reference added to visible in reference folder
Problem with mobile services Tried this: http://www.windowsazure.com/en-us/develop/mobile/tutorials/upload-images-to-storage-dotnet/
but could not find a Storage client library for Windows phone 7