I have a program in which I am trying to implement a multiple-producer, multiple-consumer setting. I have code which seems to work well when I have one consumer and multiple producers, but introducing multiple consumer threads seems to raise a few odd issues.
Here's what I have right now:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 10
typedef struct travs {
int id;
int numBags;
int arrTime;
struct travs *next;
} travs;
travs *queue;
//travs *servicing[MAX];
int produced; // The total # of produced in the queue
pthread_mutex_t queue_lock;
//pthread_mutex_t staff_lock;
pthread_cond_t ct, cs;
int CheckIn(){
if(produced != 0) return 1;
else return 0;
void *producerThread(void *args){
travs *traveler = (travs *)args;
// Acquire the mutex
// pthread_cond_signal(&cs);
pthread_cond_wait(&ct, &queue_lock);
printf("Producer %d is now checked in at time %d.\n", queue->id, (1+queue- >arrTime));
queue = queue->next;
int Producer(int id, int numBags, int arrTime){
int ret;
pthread_t ttid;
travs *traveler = malloc(sizeof(travs));
traveler->id = id;
traveler->numBags = numBags;
traveler->arrTime = arrTime;
if(queue != NULL) {
travs *check_in = malloc(sizeof(travs));
check_in = queue;
while(check_in->next != NULL){
check_in = check_in->next;
check_in->next = traveler;
else { queue = traveler; }
// Create a new traveler thread
ret = pthread_create(&ttid, NULL, producerThread, (void *)traveler);
// Check if thread creation was successful
if(ret == 0) {
printf("Producer %d has entered the check-in line at time %d; s/he is at position %d and has %d bags.\n", id, arrTime, produced, numBags);
return 0;
else return -1;
void *consumerThread(void *arg){
int i = 0; // travelers serviced
char *name = (char *)arg;
while(1) { // run iteratively
// If 20 producers have been served, the consumer's work is done.
if(i == 20) {
printf("Consumer %s's service has completed!\n", name);
// Sleep for 10s if 5 travelers have been checked in
if (((i+1) % 5) == 0) {
// Wake up sleeping travelers
printf("Consumer %s is taking a break.\n", name);
printf("Consumer %s's break is over.\n", name);
if(CheckIn()) {
int j = 1;
pthread_cond_wait(&cs, &queue_lock);
printf("Producer %d presents ticket to consumer %s.\n", queue->id, name);
printf("Consumer %s gives boarding pass to producer %d.\n", name, queue->id);
while(j <= queue->numBags){
printf("Consumer %s checks in bag %d for producer %d; baggage tag is _X_.\n", name, j, queue->id);
// Signal producer being serviced that their check in is complete.
int Consumer(char *Name) {
int ret;
pthread_t stid;
// Create a staff thread
ret = pthread_create(&stid, NULL, consumerThread, (void *)Name);
// Acquire the lock
if(ret == 0) {
printf("Producer %s's service has begun!\n", Name);
return 0;
else return -1;
int main() {
int ret = 0;
char *staff_name = malloc(sizeof(char));
int staff_check = 0;
int trav_check = 0;
int id;
int bagnum;
int travtime;
FILE *consumer_fp;
FILE *producer_fp;
queue = malloc(sizeof(travs));
queue = NULL;
/*while(ret < 10){
servicing[ret] = malloc(sizeof(travs));
servicing[ret] = NULL;
// Initilize mutexes
pthread_mutex_init(&queue_lock, NULL);
//pthread_mutex_init(&staff_lock, NULL);
// Initialize condition variables
pthread_cond_init(&ct, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&cs, NULL);
// Open the file so we can start reading from it
consumer_fp = fopen("staff.txt", "r");
producer_fp = fopen("travelers.txt", "r");
staff_check = fscanf(consumer_fp, "%s", staff_name);
trav_check = fscanf(producer_fp, "%d %d %d", &id, &bagnum, &travtime);
while(staff_check == 1) {
staff_check = fscanf(consumer_fp, "%s", staff_name);
goto L;
while(trav_check == 3) {
Producer(id, bagnum, travtime);
trav_check = fscanf(producer_fp, "%d %d %d", &id, &bagnum, &travtime);
goto K;
In this setting, every producer thread lives for only a short time before returning, and does no real computation itself besides adding a new element to the global queue and few aptly timed output lines.
However, when I introduce multiple producers, only the last producer thread does anything.
From what I can surmise, I need the following:
i) Separate Queues for Producers waiting to be checked-in and producers which are currently being checked-in (commented out as travs *servicing[MAX] above)
ii) A separate mutex for consumers.
However, I'm not sure how to implement this. This is the idea I had in mind:
CheckIn() a producer thread and copy *queue to *servicing[i] (in consumer thread).
Set queue = queue->next (in producer thread).
But, how can I guarantee that when I copy *queue over that it won't have advanced a step already? Can I signal a waiting thread with a lock different from the one a thread currently holds? And, more importantly, how would I have different consumer threads process different traveler threads?
Any aid would be greatly appreciated!
travs *traveler = malloc(sizeof(travs)); traveler = (travs *)args;
is a memory leak... – autistic